We have had a request through from the National Federation of Coppice workers looking for articles and reporters. Please read below and get in contact with us if you can help:
“Cleft Stick Reporters”
We are trying to help spread the load of pulling in articles for the Cleft Stick (the NCFed biannual magazine) by setting up a team of local reporters across the UK. Now, before you press the “Delete” button (!) let me  just say that this is NOT Intended to, and nor will it, be an onerous task involving loads of work on your part.
The idea is very simply to have someone  we can rely on ( without having to chase up before  every issue deadline), who will be responsible for submitting  just a minimum of 2 x articles ( ie one for each of  Spring & Autumn  Cleft Stick issues) either from their own writings  OR from someone else  who you know would be able to contribute (via you) to us at the news desk email address.
Any articles not used in one issue WOULD just be carried forward to the next one so no one’s efforts would be wasted! 
PLEASE do not confuse these articles with “Coppice Group Updates” although obviously you can always use something from there  as inspiration  for an article.
 Full credit to the Article’s author would be given ( including reference to their business if wished) or complete anonymity if that’s what was wanted!
 Articles can be short; long (ideally with a picture or two, especially if a long article);  they could be thought provoking/controversial/discussion generating. They  could simply comprise a series of pictures showing how to do something with just a few words or sentences under each pic etc. There’s  also always loads of stuff on Facebook, etc… perhaps expand on something from there and develop it in to an article?
We also have “Regular Features” in the Cleft Stick and are always after some fresh input here. These include:
•”Terry’s Top Tips… ideas from the woods and workshop”. It would be great to get more woodsy articles as to date it’s been very workshop orientated! As usual a pic  helps catch the eye or illustrate something.The author would be credited with the tip  (if desired) or it would go underTerrys name (he’s fictional by the way!)
•”From the book shelf… reviews of old and new favourites” . A pic of the front cover is always good to accompany  the write up which again can be short or  long.
• “Tried and tested” . A review of a bit of kit, clothing, tools  used in the workshop or woods.
And finally, just a reminder that whilst the Cleft Stick is primarily for all the members of NCFed, it is also one of our growing marketing tools to spread   awareness to the wider general public  about NCFed, coppicing, Coppice products and Coppice Groups across the uk.
Thanks for slogging through this (email) and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best 

Tim Roskell