Ash dieback honeycomb effect

By Clive Cobie

I am interested to know if anyone has noticed when cutting ash trees with dieback, if at the base there is a honeycomb effect, this I believe is when the tree is in the advanced stages of die back where the mycelium has reached the roots.

What I have noticed in one of the trees is an ant colony hibernating within the cavities it has excavated , it seems like the ants have eaten the wider of the rings which I believe is the spring growth ring , which would no doubt be more attractive to the mycelium as it would have more cellulose and once the mycelium has broken down the molecular structure so the ants have been attracted and caused the honeycomb effect, by leaving the summer growth rings, I have also noticed a green staining in parts of the inner wood on the outskirts of the brown stain caused by the progressing mycelium, it is similar to the staining caused by green elf cap , I was wondering if it would be using similar chemicals, maybe even to attract the ants as it would benefit by cavities letting in more oxygen, it would be interesting to see if anyone else noticed similar. 

The first tree the ants had vacated prior to felling which makes me wonder if they have a link to hollowing other species. 

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