Show/Wood Fair
SESHA Heavy Horse And Country Show (SSCG)
South of England Show Ground Selsfield Rd, Haywards HeathFree Pitch +Expenses (Payed up members only, book your place through (Show Secretary) Watch the magnificent Shire Horse and other rare heavy horse breeds in all their glory compete and demonstrate their skills. As well as the heavy horses you will be able to compare the worlds largest horses to the worlds smallest by heading over to our miniature horse ring. We will also have: Nannies 4 Pets Dog Show (Fun Dog Show & Have-A-Go Agility) Donkey Show Children's Funfair Sidesaddle Demonstration Sheepdog Display The Hog Show Countryside Crafts & Demonstration Area Vintage Tractors Classic Vehicles Trade Stands Food Village Picnic [...]
Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural show 2023 (SSCG)
Edenbridge & OxtedFree Pitch & Expenses (Payed up members only, book your place through (Show Secretary) A traditional show when the rural communities of Kent, Surrey and Sussex come together to showcase and celebrate farming, rural life and the finest food and drink from across the counties and beyond. Experience top class competition for livestock, horses, gundogs and horticulture.
Belmont House Wood Fair (SSCG)
Belmont House Belmont Park, Throwley Road, Throwley, Kent, United KingdomFree Pitch & Expenses paid (Payed up members only, book your place through (Show Secretary) We have lots of exciting woodland demonstrations taking place over the weekend including chainsaw carving, wood turning, spoon carving, campfire cooking, horse logging, pole lathe turning as well as vintage tractors and a fantastic display of stationary steam engines. The main arena attractions run continuously throughout the day and will include Joe’s Bows Falconry Display, Gun Dog demonstrations, Ferret Racing, Terrier Racing, The Mini Pony Show, Fun Dog Show (Sunday only) and Gold Retriever Display Team (Sunday only). We have the Scouts Climbing Wall back this [...]
Bentley Wood Fair and country Show (SSCG)
Bentley Woodfair Bentley Farm, , Harvey's Ln, Ringmer, Lewes, East Sussex, United Kingdomfree pitch, expenses under negotiation. (Payed up members only, book your place through (Show Secretary) A fantastic wood fair full of great shows, demos and makers selling crafts.