Our Mission Statement:

The Sussex & Surrey Coppice Group will promote the local coppice industry, its products and the regeneration of coppice woodlands.


  • To promote the practice and products of coppicing.
  • To inform landowners and coppice workers about grants for the regeneration of coppice woodlands, and other relevant grants.
  • To encourage the exchange of information.
  • To encourage and promote the highest standards within the group.
  • To seek opportunities for education and training.
  • To promote the groups activities and the products of its members.
  • To observe high environmental standards at all times.
  • To source woodlands for members to work in.

What other benefits are there?

The following benefits come from membership of the group:

  • Free technical information from other members
  • Access to business opportunities through our group email and Woodregister
  • Networking opportunities with other members (and, through the NCFed link, others around the country)
  • Insurance benefits through our membership of the NCFed (significant savings on Public and Employers liability cover)
  • Information and advice on tree diseases and pests
  • Affiliated membership of the National Coppice Federation (NCFed) who work on our behalf to address national issues, influence the Forestry Commission, DEFRA and other bodies for the benefit of coppice workers and affiliated organisations
  • Quarterly Member Meetings with guest speakers, lively debate and free refreshments.  We also incorporate a Bar-b-que into our AGM.
  • Free Networking Opportunities via the SSCG ‘Google Group’, which acts as a forum for all your Coppice related Q’s& A’s.
  • Quarterly Newsletters with free advertising (products, services, items for sale etc), articles, reviews, useful information & our own unique Innovations Forum.
  • SSCG Group Discounts, we approach the local businesses you might shop at, for tools and work clothing etc, to obtain discounts for Group members.  Check  the ‘Group Discounts’ page for the latest offers.
  • Advertise your Products and Services FREE OF CHARGE, using our Website.  Download a ‘Members Advert Form’ at the bottom of this page.  You don’t have to be a Coppice worker to advertise, we are happy to promote any, relevant, Product or Service.
  • Shows free entry into (demos) (some paying expenses if insufficient takings on the day)
  • You will be fully covered by the Group’s insurance when demonstrating at local Shows and Fairs (at which the Group has a Formal presence).  You can also apply to have your expenses covered when demonstrating at said events.
  • Have your say, contribute to important Coppice Surveys, vital for the future of the Coppicing Industry.  Be part of the common voice to other organisations, such as the Forestry Commission, and share association with the National Coppice Federation and other Regional Coppice Groups.
  • Heavily discounted training, with courses to suit all our members needs.  Please raise your requirements either by e-mail to one of the committee, or at one of the Members Meetings (see Training Bursary).

What does it cost to join?

Membership is available to both coppice workers and non-coppice workers and is only £25 a year!  Students and those engaged in full-time education are eligible for FREE membership!    

How do I apply?

Why not come and visit us at one of our events?  Check out the ‘Events Calendar’ page for more details.     


Please use the Join the SSCG form by clicking the button below: