Here is a list of courses being run by JOHN WALLER at the GREEN WOOD WORKSHOP, Bore Place, Kent.

(I’ve only listed those that still have availability).

Further details about the courses (what to bring/timings etc) are all available from my website:


Apple Pruning 22 Jan 2022 – £75pp
Learn how to restore and maintain trees, both apples and pears, that have “got away”.

The aim of winter pruning is to establish the basic structure of the tree, reduce overcrowding, encourage it to make new growth in a controlled way and produce fewer, larger fruit from healthier, well pruned trees.

The course will be at Bore Place and start with an examination of old and overgrown trees to learn how to develop a pruning “road map” to get matters back under control.
These trees will then be compared with trees where the renovation pruning has been commenced to see how progress develops.

There will be plenty of opportunity for you to get “up close and personal” with the target trees and gain valuable hands-on experience of the whole pruning process.

Willow Garden Structures 29 Mar 2022 – £110pp
A day to make functional, beautiful garden structures. Obelisks, sweet pea frames, mini-hurdles, ‘sunflower’ plant supports… learn some strong, reliable weaves to shape your structures

One Day Green Wood Workshop 9 Apr 2022 – £80pp
An introduction to working wood straight from the log. Make a mallet and then work on the shaving horse and pole lathe to make a garden dibber, rounders bat, porridge stirrer, spatula or honey drizzled. Suitable for beginners.

Stool Making 23 Apr 2022 – £110pp
Make a stool in a day and learn the basics of green wood construction. Prepared components will need finishing, then use tenon and mortice joints to make a stool with a solid wood seat.

4 Day Green Wood Workshop 6-9 May 2922 – £320pp
Suitable for the beginner and the improver, spend four days getting to grips with green wood techniques: sawing, axing, shaving and pole lathe turning. Make a stool, a pole lathe and/or a shaving horse, or produce a range of smaller items such as gates, garden seats, besoms, carved spoons and bowls.

This course is structured around one or more projects chosen by each student. For example, many choose to “set themselves up” by making a pole lathe and a shaving horse (approximately two days on each). Making a pole lathe is largely a standard carpentry project, while the horse is entirely a green wood project. The lathe and horse work together in the preparation and finishing of green woodworking and are invaluable for making everything from the humble dibber to a Windsor Chair.

Alternatively, you could spend all four days working on a 3- or 4-legged stool, or a range of smaller shaved or turned items – eg candlesticks, tent pegs, gate hurdles, rounders bat and rolling pin.

Charcoal Making 21 May 2022 – £75pp
Make your own Charcoal! Learn the art and science of converting low grade wood into high grade BBQ charcoal. You will load, burn and shut down a kiln, grade the coal and bag it up, all in 1 day.

Spoon Carving 4 June 2022 – £75pp
Come along and play with some green wood – this course is aimed at the novice outdoors-man or outdoors-woman, and will cover axe and knife safety, tool selection and instruction in spoon whittling! You will take home a finished spoon. Please indicate at the time of booking whether you are right- or left-handed

Apple Pruning 4 Sept 2022 – £75pp
Summer pruning encourages flowers to set and increases fruit yield. Instruction also applies to pear trees.

The course will start at Bore Place, looking at the apple trees that were pruned during the January pruning course to see how well they have responded, as well as trees that remain overgrown. The course will then move to Mike’s garden where you will see well established apple trees that have been maintained over a number of years, and learn how to summer-prune them to encourage flower set, fruiting yield, restrict growth and consolidate the establishment of form following winter pruning. There will be plenty of opportunity to gain hands-on experience.

The course will be rounded off with a Kentish cream tea with homemade jams and scones (hopefully in the sunshine!).

Spoon Carving 10 Sept 2022 – £75pp
Come along and play with some green wood – this course is aimed at the novice outdoors-man or outdoors-woman, and will cover axe and knife safety, tool selection and instruction in spoon whittling! You will take home a finished spoon. Please indicate at the time of booking whether you are right- or left-handed

Chair Making 24-28 Sept 2022 – £450pp
Make a chair from a tree!

Use green woodwork techniques of cleaving; axing; shaving; steam bending and pole lathe turning to make a comb-back, ash side-chair* with a solid seat – all starting with a freshly-felled log.

Hollow a solid seat and use tenon and mortice joints to make a strong, long-lasting chair.

*(with no arms or under carriage!)

Workshop Day – £75pp
I will open the workshop to a maximum of 3 people on the last Friday of each month (unless otherwise stated). Each participant can pursue a project of their choice – for example, chair making, hurdle making, stools and other green wood projects, baskets or willow garden structures.

Workshop days are open to those who have already attended a course, and wish to practice their skills.

I will be working as usual, but will be available for in-depth tuition, or gentle guidance (as required!). Workshop facilities and resources will be available as usual.