We received information from the NCFed to pass on to all our members, if you have any feedback please contact Bob Hewitt our NCFed rep who will coordinate any responses.
1. There will be a National Coppice Week 2020. Thanks to everyone who
got involved last year. Dates will be 17-25th October, launched at the
Gathering and AGM. NCW was successful enough in 2019 to suggest that it
has potential to work effectively for the groups and NCFed. Please ask
your membership to save the dates and begin to think about what they
might fancy doing. Also to consider other organisations in their
locality that might be willing and able to organise events, run things
jointly or just get a mention of the week in their publicity material. I
will be in touch again soon with more details.
2. Cleft Stick – the mouthpiece of the NCFed. Please ask members for
ideas, finished articles, pictures, amusing anecdotes in some way
related to trees and coppicing, top tips, book reviews… you know the
kind of thing. Marketing committee members have promised to target
certain well-know writers amongst the memberships, to submit material
regularly. If that could be you or you know people who might be willing
to write a regular piece for Cleft Stick, could you contact them on our
behalf? All Cleft Stick related matters to news@ncfed.org.uk I will no
doubt be in touch again regarding this before my copy deadline – end of
March. Publication due end April.
With many thanks in advance,
Guy Lambourne
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